Management Philosophy

The Corporate Philosophy of Valmo is, “We make business in a fair and sustainable way”. Based on this philosophy, Valmo actively conducts its sustainability activities according to the following guidelines, seeking to contribute to the sustainable development of society, enhance medium- to long-term corporate value, and to further strengthen the bond of trust with its stakeholders through transparent management methods and corporate activities that balance social and environmental concerns.

Sustainability Management

  1. By creating new values through products and services focused on social and environmental issues, Valmo contributes to the sustainable development of society.
  2. Through business development and social contributions based in each region, Valmo contributes to the development of communities.
  3. By understanding the significance of protecting the natural environment and maintaining biodiversity, and by promoting the reduction of environmental burden through measures such as sustainable procurement of timber, efficient and circular use of limited resources, and lowering greenhouse gas emissions, Valmo works to maintain a healthy global environment.
  4. Valmo observes laws, ordinances, and social norms, and moreover, conducts business in a fair and impartial manner throughout the entire value chain, including activities such as socially responsible procurement carried out in cooperation with business partners.
  5. Valmo endeavors to prevent abuses of human rights, responding appropriately to the effect of its business activities as well as to any attendant risks to human rights, with the goal of achieving a society that safeguards the dignity of all.
  6. Valmo works to create an atmosphere that holds in high regard the employee diversity that is a source of the new values created within the company, and which allows each person to fully demonstrate their sensibilities and creativity through training and use, without regard to race, nationality, gender, or age.

Development Goals

Valmo is also actively contributing to the accomplishment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are a set of shared targets embraced by the global society, through its business activities.
The goals and targets of the SDGs are emphasized in the development of products and services and in efforts to improve business processes.

Policies and guidelines

Corporate Social Responsability (CSR)
Valmo engage in CSR which means in the ordinary course of business, our company is operating in ways that enhance society and the environment, instead of contributing negatively to them.

Supplier Code of Conduct (CoC)
All Valmo suppliers are expected to comply, in all business activities, with each of the following standards, in addition to national and municipal laws, rules, and regulations, while also respecting international norms of behavior. Furthermore, Suppliers shall also encourage next-tier suppliers to comply with this Code of Conduct and shall obtain information from those suppliers necessary to ensure compliance with the Code. In cases where these standards do not conform to national or local laws, etc., endeavors shall be made to find a way to respect the standards.